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What's Next for Polly - Product Roadmap


Today, biomolecular research produces a large amount of data. This data provides important clues for discovery, translational research, and personalized medicine. At Elucidata, our aim is to build a platform that puts high-quality data central to ML workflows in pre-clinical R&D. In this session, our speakers shed light on the Do-it-yourself (DIY) data journey on Polly, starting from ingesting raw data on Polly's cloud, analyzing and visualizing processed data and everything in between. Join Neychelle, Director - Solutions and Technical Sales, as they give us insights into what’s coming up next quarter on Polly.

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Key Takeaways
How data providers ensure adherence to quality standards through validation and compliance.
How GUI-based workflows, CLI tools, and collaborative workspaces enable streamlined data ingestion and synchronization at scale.
Understand how automated pipelines assess conformance, plausibility, and consistency, ensuring high-quality, AI-ready data products.
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