Upcoming Webinar

Navigating the Transition: Deploying LLMs in Biomedical R&D


Advancements in ML, DL, and Generative models have intrigued machine learning practitioners with their potential to revolutionize R&D. However, transitioning from impressive tech demos to production-ready workflows can be challenging.To stay on top, scientists must combine data, infrastructure, models, and subject matter expertise into a formidable base. While the applications are numerous, the foundations are deep and unified. How does one fine-tune? How do we keep trusting the results? How do we deploy?

In this webinar, Swetabh addresses these queries and provide an overview of the necessary tools to set your AI initiatives up for success. Additionally, he demonstrates the winning recipe (of data, models, and infrastructure) through a production-ready Gen AI agent that helps retrieve information across an integrated corpus of genomics, gene expression, and clinical data.

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Meet the Experts of this discussion
Key Takeaways
How data providers ensure adherence to quality standards through validation and compliance.
How GUI-based workflows, CLI tools, and collaborative workspaces enable streamlined data ingestion and synchronization at scale.
Understand how automated pipelines assess conformance, plausibility, and consistency, ensuring high-quality, AI-ready data products.
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