Best Practices for Biomarker Discovery Using Transcriptomics Data

Deepthi Das, Aqsa Aleem
May 7, 2024

Molecular biomarkers have the potential to greatly enhance efficiency and precision in clinical decision-making. Common methods for deriving these biomarkers include feature selection, machine learning (ML), and statistical modeling. Yet, training these models necessitates high-quality data—clean, accompanied by essential metadata, and sourced from human samples. Models built on faulty data risk generating inaccurate predictions, resulting in significant resource wastage.

Understanding the Power of Transcriptomics

At the heart of transcriptomics lies the study of RNA molecules, the messengers that convey genetic information from DNA to proteins. By analyzing transcriptomics data, researchers can paint a detailed picture of which genes are active, to what extent, and under what conditions. This dynamic snapshot provides invaluable insights into the molecular machinery of cells and tissues, offering a nuanced understanding of diseases at the molecular level.

The Quest for Biomarkers

Biomarkers, in the context of transcriptomics, are specific RNA molecules whose levels correlate with certain biological processes or disease states. They serve as molecular signatures, indicating the presence, progression, or severity of a disease. Identifying these biomarkers is crucial for early detection, personalized medicine, and monitoring treatment responses.

Best Practices in Biomarker Discovery

Biomarker discovery using transcriptomics data involves several key steps, including data quality control, sample size consideration, differential expression analysis, feature selection, cross-validation, biomarker validation, and interpretation of results in the context of biological relevance. By following the best practices in each of these steps, researchers can effectively leverage transcriptomics data for biomarker discovery, leading to improved disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

1. Data Processing for Biomarker Extraction

To ensure the suitability of transcriptomics data for biomarker extraction, it is crucial to process the data effectively. The following steps are recommended for the same:

  1. Normalization: Correcting technical biases such as differences in library size and RNA composition is essential. Normalization methods such as TPM (Transcripts Per Million) or FPKM (Fragments Per Kilobase Million) can be employed for this purpose.
  2. Filtering: Removing lowly expressed genes and samples with poor quality is necessary as genes with low counts across samples or samples with low sequencing depth may introduce noise into the analysis.
  3. Batch Correction: Adjusting for technical variation introduced by experimental batches is crucial because batch effects can confound downstream analyses. Methods such as ComBat or surrogate variable analysis (SVA) can be employed to correct for these effects.

2. Sample Size Consideration

Adequate sample size is crucial for the statistical power of biomarker discovery studies. While there is no fixed rule for sample size determination and it may vary depending on the study design and the desired effect size, a larger sample size generally improves the reliability and generalizability of the findings.

3. Differential Expression Analysis

Identifying genes that are differentially expressed between different conditions (e.g., disease vs. control) is a fundamental step in biomarker discovery. Some key points to consider during this analysis are:

  • Statistical methods: Use appropriate statistical tests, such as t-tests, ANOVA, or linear models, to identify differentially expressed genes. Tools like DESeq2, edgeR, or limma are commonly used for this purpose.
  • Multiple testing correction: Correct for multiple hypothesis testing to control the false discovery rate. Methods like the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure can be used to adjust p-values.
  • Fold change threshold: Set a threshold for fold change to focus on genes with biologically significant changes in expression.

4. Feature Selection

With thousands of genes in transcriptomics data, feature selection is crucial to reduce dimensionality and focus on the most informative genes. Efficient techniques for feature selection include:

  • Filter methods: Select features based on statistical measures such as variance or correlation with the outcome. Genes with low variability across samples or with low correlation with the phenotype of interest may be filtered out.
  • Wrapper methods: Use machine learning algorithms such as random forests or support vector machines to evaluate subsets of features based on their predictive performance.
  • Dimensionality reduction: Apply techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) or t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) to visualize and reduce the dimensionality of the data.

5. Cross-Validation

Cross-validation is one of the most widely used data resampling methods to assess the generalization ability of a predictive model and to prevent overfitting. The best practices include:

  • Training/validation split: Divide the data into training and validation sets to train and evaluate the performance of the biomarker model. Typically, a 70-30 or 80-20 split is used.
  • Cross-validation methods: Use techniques such as k-fold cross-validation or leave-one-out cross-validation to assess model performance and prevent overfitting.

6. Biomarker Validation

Once potential biomarkers have been identified, it is crucial to validate their performance using independent datasets or experimental validation:

  • External validation: Validate biomarkers using independent datasets to assess their performance in different cohorts or populations. Reproducibility across multiple datasets increases the confidence in the identified biomarkers.
  • Experimental validation: Use techniques such as qRT-PCR or immunohistochemistry to experimentally validate the expression of biomarker candidates. Experimental validation provides biological evidence supporting the association of the biomarkers with the phenotype of interest.

7. Interpretation and Biological Relevance

Finally, it is essential to interpret the results in the context of biological relevance:

  • Pathway analysis: Use gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) or over-representation analysis (ORA) to identify biological pathways enriched with differentially expressed genes. Understanding the biological pathways associated with the biomarkers can provide insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of the disease.
  • Biological context: Interpret biomarker candidates in the context of known biological mechanisms and pathways associated with the disease or condition of interest. One should consider the functional role of the genes and their relevance to the phenotype being studied.

Uncover Biomarkers More Effectively With Polly by Elucidata

Predict potential prognostic or diagnostic biomarkers using ML-ready omics samples on Polly.

  1. Uncover Markers Contributing to Diseases
    1. Perform feature selection exercises using well-annotated data on Polly. Polly’s comprehensive metadata annotations help you efficiently deduce important features being studied in the experiment (for instance, genes, proteins, or metabolites affecting disease progression).
    2. Perform feature subsetting via differential gene expression and principle component analysis.
    3. Prioritize subsetted features using commonly used ML techniques like Random Forest.
  2. Classify Markers According to Their Function
    1. Optimize biomarker classification using clinical metadata information. Perform complex network analysis to segregate biomarkers according to their function (prognostic, diagnostic, predictive).
    2. Perform complex network analysis on Polly to segregate different types of novel biomarkers.
  3. Validate Identified Markers With Evidence From the Public Domain
    1. Fast-track the validation of identified biomarkers using ML-ready, public datasets on Polly. Validate the detected markers' credibility by comparing your rsults with published studies on related biomarkers.
    2. Evaluate biomarkers for sensitivity, specificity, and clinical utility through rigorous statistical analysis.

Read how Elucidata helped a Boston-based clinical-stage therapeutics company- Hookipa in Biomarker Data Curation & Management with Polly.

By adhering to best practices in data acquisition, analysis, and validation, researchers are unraveling the mysteries encoded within our RNA. Each biomarker uncovered brings us closer to more personalized, effective treatments and a deeper understanding of the intricate dance of life at the molecular level.

Connect with us or reach out to us at info@elucidata.io to learn more.

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